Ă€ propos des soins virtuels

Faites-vous soigner dans le confort de votre maison si vous vous sentez malade ou avez un malaise

Commencez votre recherche de prestataires des soins virtuels ici

Urgent medical proffesstionals available for you

Jhon Fletmerman

Urgent Care: Maendeleo Clinic

250 Mbezi beach , Dar es salaam, Po. Box:65

(065) 252-54325 View Profile
Jhon Fletmerman

Urgent Care: Maendeleo Clinic

250 Mbezi beach , Dar es salaam, Po. Box:65

(065) 252-54325 View Profile
Jhon Fletmerman

Urgent Care: Maendeleo Clinic

250 Mbezi beach , Dar es salaam, Po. Box:65

(065) 252-54325 View Profile

Comment une visite virtuelle peut vous être bénéfique

Vous n'avez pas besoin de quitter votre domicile ou votre lieu de travail et en cas d'urgence quand il est presque impossible de se rendre à l'hôpital– La télésanté Tiva peut vous aider.

Trouver un médecin disponible 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 pour vous ou votre famille, quelle que soit la région du pays où vous vous trouvez.

Les technologies de pointe des dispositifs Tiva permettent aux médecins de diagnostiquer 59 % des maladies alors que vous êtes assis dans le confort de votre maison.

Parlez à votre professionnel de santé 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7

Téléchargez l'application Tiva Health dès maintenant et soyez en mesure de parler à des professionnels de santé, de gérer votre santé ou celle de votre famille ou inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour bénéficier de tous les avantages de la gestion de la santé de Tiva sur notre plateforme sans l'application.

Des soins virtuels de qualité,
sans contrainte

Offrir des soins de santé primaires avec des examens physiques à distance. Grâce à la plateforme Tiva Health et aux dispositifs médicaux Tiva Heath, les hôpitaux peuvent fournir des soins de santé exceptionnels, où qu'ils soient.

Les dispositifs médicaux Bluetooth permettent de recueillir facilement vos données vitales.

Un tensiomètre, un glucomètre, une balance, un électrocardiogramme (ECG), un thermomètre, un oxymètre de pouls et un spiromètre intégrés.

Simplicité de la gestion et du suivi de vos précieuses données

Définissez votre intervalle vital et suivez vos progrès grâce à un graphique à barres et un diagramme circulaire en trois dimensions.

Plan de soins et système de suivi personnalisés

Le professionnel de santé sera à mesure de personnaliser votre plan de soins et votre gamme vitale. Le personnel médical recevra des alertes et des notifications si vos données vitales se situent en dehors de la fourchette acceptable.

Conversation très simple avec votre personnel médical

Notre système de messagerie sécurisée permet de communiquer avec vos professionnels de santé.

Les examens physiques Ă  distance

Offrez des soins de santé pratiques, peu coûteux et de haute qualité à vos membres et patients sans avoir à faire de compromis. Effectuez un examen physique complet des oreilles, des poumons, du cœur, de la gorge, de la pression artérielle, de la température corporelle, de la peau et de l'abdomen à distance.

Pour les particuliers et les familles

Gérez votre santé et faites-vous soigner dans le confort de votre maison

Learn More

Pour les hĂ´pitaux

Développez votre base de patients tout en fournissant des soins à distance de qualité

Learn More

Nos membres le disent le mieux

Foire aux questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

  What are the criteria for eligibility?

- All people who buy Tiva vouchers and activate are eligible to subscribe
- By just sending your money as low as $1 you will jon

  Can I do multiple subscriptions?

Yes, multiple subscriptions of more than one pack per person / family is allowed.

  Can I buy for friend?

Yes you can buy or top up any insurance pack for a friend at any point in time via your phone by just dialing *126*friends number*$amount# then Send. Your friend automatically will be registered in case he has no insurance with us or if he/she has, his balance will automatically be added

  Can I share my purchased Pack balance with someone?

Yes, but only funds in your Tiva wallet which are not yet activated. If your insurance has been activated; you cant share with anyone.

  What are the payment options?

There are three main payment options for a Customer to choose when buying a pack. 1. Mobile Payment 2. Tiva voucher and 3. Via Tiva vendors 4. Tiva App

These options are available based on the choice of the customer by a Example by just sending $1/$5 or any amount of your choice or full amount and send to our Mpesa #705 989 77689 automatically your account will be registered if it’s the first time or if it’s the second time, automatically your recharged amount will be deposited in your Tiva wallet. Or option 2. Just buy our topup vouchers in your street and if you have Vodacom, mtn, airtel or zantel just dial *120*number PIN# Send automatically you will be registered or your account to be topped up.

  What is the pack validity?

The balance in your wallet can stay as longer you want but once you activate your insurance package; your packe covered 12 months

  Can I carryover my package remaining from this year to the next?

For activated insurance package – the answer is NO. But for your wallet insurance credits or top-ups; YES can be carried to the next year or to be used for the next year insurance activation package.

  What are the channels to buy the packs?

There are five channels

1. Mobile money payments – Send any amount or full to our number – Mpesa 075 52 6363, MTN: 89 52 36252
2. Buy or pay for your Tiva subscription by your banking cards visa, mastercard direct by clicking this here. or
3. Subscribe by buying Tiva topups vouchers at your favorite mom&pop store
4. Pay via Tiva app on your mobile

  How do I check balance for my activated pack?

To check your balance; dial *121#

   Can I use my Tiva Personal pack for out of the country treatment?

Tiva is an international brand; Click here is the list of countries you can use your Tiva Zambia Personal insurance package

   Can I use My Tiva Insurance packages to the hospital which is not in your network?

Tiva is on a mission to help modernize every hospital and bring health access to communities where there is not access to hospital.

Contact us before getting treatment at a hospital which is not in our network.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  What are the criteria for eligibility?

- All people who buy Tiva vouchers and activate are eligible to subscribe
- By just sending your money as low as $1 you will jon

  Can I do multiple subscriptions?

Yes, multiple subscriptions of more than one pack per person / family is allowed.

  Can I buy for friend?

Yes you can buy or top up any insurance pack for a friend at any point in time via your phone by just dialing *126*friends number*$amount# then Send. Your friend automatically will be registered in case he has no insurance with us or if he/she has, his balance will automatically be added

  Can I share my purchased Pack balance with someone?

Yes, but only funds in your Tiva wallet which are not yet activated. If your insurance has been activated; you cant share with anyone.

  What are the payment options?

There are three main payment options for a Customer to choose when buying a pack. 1. Mobile Payment 2. Tiva voucher and 3. Via Tiva vendors 4. Tiva App

These options are available based on the choice of the customer by a Example by just sending $1/$5 or any amount of your choice or full amount and send to our Mpesa #705 989 77689 automatically your account will be registered if it’s the first time or if it’s the second time, automatically your recharged amount will be deposited in your Tiva wallet. Or option 2. Just buy our topup vouchers in your street and if you have Vodacom, mtn, airtel or zantel just dial *120*number PIN# Send automatically you will be registered or your account to be topped up.

  What is the pack validity?

The balance in your wallet can stay as longer you want but once you activate your insurance package; your packe covered 12 months

  Can I carryover my package remaining from this year to the next?

For activated insurance package – the answer is NO. But for your wallet insurance credits or top-ups; YES can be carried to the next year or to be used for the next year insurance activation package.

  What are the channels to buy the packs?

There are five channels

1. Mobile money payments – Send any amount or full to our number – Mpesa 075 52 6363, MTN: 89 52 36252
2. Buy or pay for your Tiva subscription by your banking cards visa, mastercard direct by clicking this here. or
3. Subscribe by buying Tiva topups vouchers at your favorite mom&pop store
4. Pay via Tiva app on your mobile

  How do I check balance for my activated pack?

To check your balance; dial *121#

   Can I use my Tiva Personal pack for out of the country treatment?

Tiva is an international brand; Click here is the list of countries you can use your Tiva Zambia Personal insurance package

   Can I use My Tiva Insurance packages to the hospital which is not in your network?

Tiva is on a mission to help modernize every hospital and bring health access to communities where there is not access to hospital.

Contact us before getting treatment at a hospital which is not in our network.